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Network Utilities

AT&T Queueing & Analysis Software

AT&T Software Solutions Group

Monte Carlo simulations are used to model systems with random phenomenawhere transactions contend for resources. They are widely used toanalyze computer, communications, manufacturing, and military systems.Q+, formerly Performance Analysis Workstation, is a visual interactivesimulation system for building discrete-event simulation models. Q+allows the user to observe an evolving network and its statisticsgraphically through animation of the traffic flows. Both model input andoutput combine graphical and textual information.The user is in complete control of a Q+ simulation. The simulation canbe interrupted at any time to change the model in various ways. Forexample, the user can add or delete existing customers or queue (areaswhere customers obtain services), create or destroy customer classes, andchange queuing disciplines or even the network topology. The Q+ can alsobe used to model situations involving simultaneous resource possessionand other complex phenomena.The system automatically gathers various statistics. Among these arequeue lengths, throughputs, network sojourn times, and cycle times.Statistics can be collected in the background or they can be observedinteractively in the foreground as the simulation proceeds.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

AT&T Software Solutions Group
10 Independence Blvd LL23A72
Warren, NJ 07059
Phone: (908) 580-5940
        (800) 462-8146
Fax: (908) 580-6355